Hello there, I'm Louis!
I am a UX designer & project manager captivated by new technologies, particularly connected devices. After completing a Bachelor's degree in interaction design and a Master's degree in sustainable cities & project management, I moved to Montreal 5 years ago to kickstart my career.
Specializing in user research, strategy and design processes, I consider myself multidisciplinary. Curious about everything, I enjoy understanding the context in which my user operates, identifying their needs and thus designing relevant and enduring solutions. My complementary skills in graphic design and project/team management ensure autonomy and leadership.
📜 Résumé
Feel free to contact me!
⚗️ My tools
Double diamond
Methodology that I use for all project I begin.
Simple, sharp and efficient, it permit
to explain clearly my ideas.
Really efficient to widen my subject, think about some things that I hadn’t think before. Structure my mind, discover themes and amplify researches about the thinest.
Service blueprint
A map that displays the entire process of service delivery, by listing all the activities that happen at each stage, performed by the different roles involved.
The service blueprint is built by first listing all the actors in the process on a vertical axis and all the steps required to deliver the service on the horizontal axis.
Emotional map
Create a persona and set his journey.
Check out his “Pain points”, all steps and interactions he will have.
This tool permit to understand deeper who is my user, anticipate all “disaster scenario”, bad moods during his journey and upgrade my service / prototype / product.
Creative workshop
Apply all these tools during workshop with persons who know nothing about design. Present / explain what kind of job I do, which tools I use and how to have solutions of any daily life problems.